Queering the Museum Audio Guides

University of Winnipeg students developed Queering the Museum Audio Guides* from January-April 2018, responding to content highlighted on a “Pride Tour” offered by the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. The Guides are intended to critically engage listeners/museumgoers and raise the bar of expectation around how museums and other sites that contribute to public discourse on historical and contemporary issues represent queer issues and lives.

The seven audio guides are available here:

  1. Pink Shirts & Pariahs: Anti-Bullying Discourse in the CMHR” by Jade DeFehr
  2. Decolonizing Representations of Queerness at the CMHR” by Jana Elazar
  3. “‘Deception Designs’: The CMHR’s Representation of Gareth Henry” by Thomas Fields
  4. Silencing of Context: Gareth Henry in Rights Today” by Dallas Cant
  5. Michelle Josef and Transgender (In)visibility at the CMHR” by Amy Mazowita
The students and instructor Dr. Angela Failler would like to acknowledge the invaluable support of sound artist Julia Dyck who led workshops on audio guide script writing and production. Julia also digitally mastered the final guides.