Dr. Michelle McGeough (Concordia University) invites your consideration of the following panel proposal for NAASA 2023, Halifax.
During the last thirty years, we have witnessed a growing body of scholarship examining what Qwo-Li Driskill identified as a two-spirit critique and its’ deployment as a means of addressing issues such as colonialism, queerphobia, racism, and misogyny.[1] While this form of critique has been used primarily to examine the literary arts, very little has been published regarding its application to the visual arts. This panel welcomes papers that address how Two-Spirit/Indigiqueer modes of critique not only further our decolonial struggles but celebrate our desire, intimacy and joy.
This session is intended to provide a forum to explore how art historians and artists are expanding upon this form of critique and its’ application to the discipline of art history. The panel encourages papers and/or artist presentations that examine artistic and cultural production that centers a two spirit/Indigiqueer critique.
Contact Dr. McGeough at michelle.mcgeough@concordia.ca.
[1] Qwo-Li Driskill, “Doubleweaving Two-Spirit Critique: Building Alliances between Native and Queer Studies. GLQ 16, no 1-2(April 2010; 16 (1-2):69-92