Angela Failler (Project Co-Leader)
Dr. Angela Failler is Canada Research Chair in Culture and Public Memory and Professor of Women’s & Gender Studies at the University of Winnipeg (UW). She was the Director of the SSHRC Partnership Development project Thinking through the Museum: Difficult Knowledge in Public (2015-2018), Director of the Centre for Research in Cultural Studies (CRiCS), and leads the UW’s Cultural Studies Research Group (CSRG). She leads a major research program focused on public memory of the 1985 Air India bombings. Failler teaches in the areas of feminist theory, cultural studies, queer theory, and embodiment and subjectivity.

Michelle McGeough (Project Co-Leader)
Originally from Amiskwaciwâskahikan, Michelle McGeough is a Métis scholar and artist. She is currently an Assistant Professor at Concordia University. Prior to this position, she taught at the University of British Columbia. Dr. McGeough received her PhD in Indigenous art histories from the University of New Mexico. Her research interests have focused on the indigenous two-spirit identity. Presently she is working on a manuscript that examines Indigenous understandings of gender fluidity and the impact these notions have on artistic production. Other areas of her research include the application of Indigenous research methodologies and the incorporation of these ways of knowing into the development of curriculum and the curation of contemporary and historic Indigenous art.

Heather Milne (Project Co-Leader)
Heather Milne is an Associate Professor in the Department of English at the University of Winnipeg where she teaches in the areas of queer theory, queer literature, feminist theory, and women’s writing. Her current research focuses on contemporary North American feminist poetics with a specific interest in the ways in which twenty-first century women poets engage with neoliberalism, affect, and the posthuman. She has recently completed a book manuscript titled Writing Dissent: Twenty-First Century North American Feminist Poetics (forthcoming with University of Iowa Press) and is currently preparing a volume of Rachel Zolf’s poetry for publication in the Laurier Poetry Series (Wilfrid Laurier University Press). She is the co-editor of Prismatic Publics: Innovative Canadian Women’s Poetry and Poetics (Coach House, 2009).

Sabrina Mark (Research Coordinator, current)
Dr. Sabrina Mark works as the Research Coordinator for the Museum Queeries project and the Centre for Research in Cultural Studies (CRiCS) at the University of Winnipeg. She obtained her PhD from the Department of English, Theatre, Film & Media at the University of Manitoba. Her dissertation focused on mobility and the imagined roles of girls and women in nation-building in popular early twentieth-century girls’ novels. Her other research interests include children’s literature, textual depictions of dress, and the fiction of L.M. Montgomery. She recently published a book chapter entitled “Picturing Anne’s Puffed-Sleeve Dress: Colour, Belonging, and Wish Fulfilment in Anne of Green Gables.”

Nicole Ritchie (Research Affiliate)
Ritchie is a PhD candidate (ABD) in Social and Political Thought at
York University in Toronto, Ontario. Her SSHRC-funded doctoral research
conducts a psychoanalytic reading of the Anthropocene, focusing on the
care-taking logics that guide our narration of crisis and analyzing the
museum’s specific negotiation of ‘repair’ and representation of
ecological crisis. Previously, Ritchie completed a Master of Museum
Studies in collaboration with Sexual Diversity Studies at the University
of Toronto, for which her thesis analyzed the LGBTQ+ representation at
the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR). Her work is published in Somatechnics and forthcoming (2021) in Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society.

Lauren Bosc (Research Coordinator, past)
Lauren Bosc works as the Research Coordinator for the Museum Queeries project, as well as for the Centre for Research in Cultural Studies (CRiCS) based at the University of Winnipeg. She graduated with a Masters of Arts in Cultural Studies from the University of Winnipeg in 2014 and remains interested in feminist and queer representations of bodies — particularly fat bodies — in the context of film, television, and other media. She also currently works as the Managing Editor of the academic, peer-reviewed journal Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures, based at the University of Winnipeg.